Top 12 Tips About FATCA

For Americans (US Persons) living abroad or investing offshore, 外国账户税收遵从法案(FATCA)要求外国金融机构(ffi)像当地银行一样, stockbrokers, pension and hedge funds, insurance companies, and trusts to report directly to the IRS. When reporting to the IRS, FFIs have to provide the details of all their clients who are US persons, including the specifics of their personal accounts. The reporting requirements began on January 1, 2014. 许多外国政府已与美国签署协议,交换详细信息.

Below are a dozen of the top questions asked.

1.What is an FFI?

外国金融机构(FFI)在FATCA法规中有广泛的定义. In short, an FFI is any non-US entity that includes but is not limited to:

  • Depository institutions (for example, banks)
  • Custodial institutions (for example, mutual funds)
  • Investment entities (for example, hedge funds or private equity funds)
  • 某些类型的保险公司有现金价值产品或年金

2.What is an NFFE?


3.What is FDAP Income?

FDAP is an abbreviation for Fixed, Determinable, Annual or Periodic income. FDAP income applies to foreign persons earning income from US sources. 这些人将被征收30%的预扣税,如果美国和居住国之间有税收协定,税率会更低.

4.What is a Recalcitrant Account Holder?

A recalcitrant account holder is any account holder that:

  • 未能遵守提供必要信息以确定该账户是否为美国账户的合理要求;
  • Fails to provide the name, address, and Tax Identification Number (TIN) of each “specified United States person” and each substantial United States owner of a US-owned foreign entity; or
  • 未能提供任何外国法律的豁免,以阻止外国金融机构报告FATCA要求的信息.

5.What is considered indicia of US status?

IRS Notice 2011-34 lists six indicia of US status:

  • US citizenship or lawful permanent resident (green card) status
  • A US birthplace
  • 美国居住地址或美国通信地址(包括美国邮政信箱)
  • 将资金转入在美国开设的账户的长期指示, or directions regularly received from a US address
  • 一个“负责”的地址或一个“保留邮件”的地址,这是客户的唯一地址
  • 授权书授予在美国有住址的人的授权书或签字权


6.What is a Deemed Compliant FFI?

一些FFI不需要与IRS签订FFI协议, in order to be exempt from FATCA withholding. These FFIs are referred to as deemed-compliant FFIs, which are required to have met their withholding requirements:

  • Apply for deemed-compliant status with the IRS;
  • Obtain an EIN from the IRS; and
  • 每3年向美国国税局证明其符合合规状态的要求.

注:“合规”仅适用于IRS认为逃税风险较低的某些实体, such as local banks, 参与FFI集团的本地FFI成员及若干投资工具.



8.What is an Intergovernmental Agreement (IGA)?

An IGA is an agreement between the United States and another jurisdiction. It sets out general definitions, 美国和FATCA合作伙伴管辖区在获取和交换信息方面的义务, FATCA对FATCA合作伙伴辖区内金融机构的适用, and the procedures for compliance. IGA附件一描述了根据FATCA识别和报告特定类型账户的尽职调查要求. 附件二将列出一份金融机构和金融产品的清单,这些金融机构和金融产品将被视为豁免或符合FATCA的目的. 附件二将根据具体国家进行调整,因此《澳门官方老葡京》只包括附件二的框架.

9.How do I know which FATCA withholding rules the entity falls under?

Look into your local IGA agreement for the definition of FFI/NFFE, 如需进一步说明,请参见FATCA澳门官方老葡京实体分类指导的最终规定. FATCA compliance team can help. Visit the IRS website for a current list of countries with an IGA.

10. 如果我的公司是根据Model 1协议在英国成立的,我还需要注册吗?



签署一份委约书,证明你正在寻求美国税务专家的第三方协助. Perform the due diligence that is required by the stated IRS deadlines.

12.What is the difference between an IGA Model 1 and a Model 2 Agreement?

Under the Model 1, 合作司法管辖区的金融机构将能够直接向其国家税务机关报告美国账户持有人的信息.e., HMRC), who in turn will report the information to the IRS.

In Model 2, 金融机构将直接向美国国税局报告信息,而不是向当地司法管辖区报告.


For more information, please contact us.

Article written by James Debate